Every project is different: where one project might require the utmost focus on performance, the next might have a considerable need for visually striking designs and interactions. This awkward matrix of skills against requirements can often lead to problems.
A blog trying to be a pattern library, with a focus on inclusive design. Each post explores a common interface component and comes up with a better, more robust and accessible version of it.
A truly responsive website should adapt to all kinds of situations. Besides different viewport sizes, there are other factors to consider. A change in connectivity is one of them.
If I’ve learned anything from my agency day job at Innovatemap and my side project UX Power Tools, it’s that we have to be part designer, part marketer, part sales person, and part user.
PWAs are web apps that look and feel like native apps — they’re installable, they load quickly, they can deliver push notifications, and they work offline. How do they do all that? Service workers are the key.
What could be simpler than returning HTTP status codes? Did the page render? Great, return 200. Does the page not exist? That’s a 404. Do I want to redirect the user to another page? 302, or maybe 301.
Why we should and shouldn’t use Lazy Load, and how to implement it. Images make up over 60% of an average page’s size, according to HTTP Archive. Images on a web page would be rendered once they are available.