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Collection - Accessibility

Accessibility resources »

On Designing and Building Toggle Switches »

Yesterday I was working on creating the slides and accompanying demos for my upcoming Web Directions Code talk next week. One of the demos I’m creating is a basic proof of concept for a simple switch that is used to switch the theme of a UI from light to dark and vice versa. I liked, and was inspired, by the theme switch in the Medium app.

From Sara Soueidan.

Detecting autofilled fields in Javascript »

One of my colleagues is transitioning to the front-end team that I used to be a part of. To prepare him mentally for his journey into front-end development, I’ve been sending him a newsletter I call Front-End Hack of the Day. I’m posting them to Medium now for the world to enjoy.

From Tommy Brunn (Medium).

How do you mark up an accordion? »

I made a poll on Twitter the other day asking the #lazyweb how they would mark up an FAQ section — or a list of questions and their corresponding answers. I specifically asked for markup suggestions. Turns out, people mark questions and answers up differently.

From Sara Soueidan.

A11Y Style Guide »

The A11Y style guide comes with pre-populated accessible components that include helpful links to related tools, articles, and WCAG guidelines to make your site more inclusive.

From A11y Style Guide.

Responsive, accessible tables »

This approach is different from others you may have seen in that it uses a valid <table> (and child elements) and acknowledges that screen readers no longer consider <table>s to be tables when you start messing with their display properties.

From Adrian Roselli.

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