Streamline users’ path to products by providing clear, differentiating product information at all levels — from the homepage to product listing pages.
17 top CSS animation examples
You’ve probably noticed the number of CSS animation examples featuring on websites has been on the rise lately. Animation is one of the key web design trends of 2018. All over the web, designers are getting creative and using CSS animations to bring personality to their sites, explain complex ideas quickly and easily, and guide their users’ actions.
10 steps to great UX testing
Evaluating the success of user experience strategies in a project requires a deep understanding of why decisions were made and what core goals motivated the project in the first place. Purpose is what provides context to data. Without that context, the data you review is always going to be clouded with your own personal bias and assumptions.
Being Shot Down Because of Accessibility Needs is Not Something Anyone Should Expect
Being deaf/hard of hearing means there is certain information I struggle to access. At a Contributor Day in Glasgow in September 2018 (an event where you get to contribute directly to WordPress, e.g. core software, theme support, privacy, translations, etc.), I have decided to get involved with the Accessibility team.