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Sanitising data in WordPress

Sanitising data in WordPress

Sanitization is the process of cleaning or filtering your input data. Whether the data is from a user or an API or web service, you use sanitizing when you don’t know what to expect or you don’t want to be strict with data validation. The easiest way to sanitize data is with built-in WordPress functions. The sanitize_*() series […]

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URL Validation in WordPress

URL Validation in WordPress

If your WordPress website/theme/plugin allows users to submit URLs, and you’re not sanitizing them properly, you could have a whole host of security problems. On the flipside, if you’re removing too much, you might not be allowing valid URLs either.

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On Designing and Building Toggle Switches

On Designing and Building Toggle Switches

Yesterday I was working on creating the slides and accompanying demos for my upcoming Web Directions Code talk next week. One of the demos I’m creating is a basic proof of concept for a simple switch that is used to switch the theme of a UI from light to dark and vice versa. I liked, and was inspired, by the theme switch in the Medium app.

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Detecting autofilled fields in Javascript

Detecting autofilled fields in Javascript

One of my colleagues is transitioning to the front-end team that I used to be a part of. To prepare him mentally for his journey into front-end development, I’ve been sending him a newsletter I call Front-End Hack of the Day. I’m posting them to Medium now for the world to enjoy.

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