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You’re Offline »

A truly responsive website should adapt to all kinds of situations. Besides different viewport sizes, there are other factors to consider. A change in connectivity is one of them.

From MXB.

100 questions designers always ask »

If I’ve learned anything from my agency day job at Innovatemap and my side project UX Power Tools, it’s that we have to be part designer, part marketer, part sales person, and part user.

From Medium: Jon Moore.

Exporting vector maps from Maperitive »

PWAs are web apps that look and feel like native apps — they’re installable, they load quickly, they can deliver push notifications, and they work offline. How do they do all that? Service workers are the key.

From Braincrunch.

Which status code should I be using? »

What could be simpler than returning HTTP status codes? Did the page render? Great, return 200. Does the page not exist? That’s a 404. Do I want to redirect the user to another page? 302, or maybe 301.

From CodeTinkerer.

The Specificity Graph »

As we all (should) probably know by now, specificity is is one of CSS’ most troublesome features, and is an area that soon becomes hard to manage on projects of any reasonable size. Specificity is a trait best avoided, which is why we don’t use IDs in CSS, and we don’t nest selectors unless absolutely necessary.

From CSS Wizardry.

Naming UI components in OOCSS »

One of the biggest—if not most common—complaints about OOCSS is its use of ‘insemantic classes’. Unfortunately, the idea that classes are semantic (in the HTML sense of the term) is something of a fallacy.

From CSS Wizardry.

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